Kriti Makhija , Chief Financial & Compliance Officer, Genesis BCW, Advisor NASSCOM Community and Volunteer Genesis Foundation, is an experienced business leader and a multi-faceted personality. She is a social media enthusiast and enjoys sharing her experiences, wisdom, life stories which inspire and move people. Narvijay Yadav , host of Bloggers Alliance Sunday twitter chat (BAC) had an inspiring conversation with Kriti about the Success Mantras for 2021. Excerpts of the twitter chat are as under: You are known as an ‘outrageously’ happy person. What is the secret of your happiness? Happiness is a direction not a destination. Choose to run in that direction with optimism by making 'better' choices. Being Happy is not something you achieve, it is something you are. Choose to be happy and you will be. It is simple. What is your way to conscious living? Unlock your potential in 2021- Step back, Examine your life and align it with what you want. Martin Seligman'...